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Get The Ripped Body Of A Boxer

Train like a boxer at home 

Boxers are fit. Full stop. They have endurance, great physiques, are light on their feet and have flexibility. Its the complete package. So how do you get a shredded boxers build? You mix it right up from bench presses and skipping to squats, kettlebells, speedballs, punching bags and core training. Lets find out how to become the complete package.

Since fights usually last several rounds, good endurance is also essential. You need good length strength to go the distance and great reflexes to react to your opponents punches. Here are the essential exercises you can do in a simple boxers home gym.

  • Skipping rope for endurance, speed and coordination skills
  • Punching bag training for endurance, strength endurance, speed strength and flexibility
  • Functional training for all conditioning areas
  • Core training for the muscles of the core of the body


The best tools for your boxing workout at home

Of course most of us will never get into the ring for 15 rounds of boxing or an MMA matchup. That doesn’t mean we cant build rock hard abs, a lightning jab and silky footwork skills. Tod some hardcore old-school boxing training at home you’ll need this: 

  • Speed ball
  • Punching bag
  • Boxing gloves
  • Skipping ropes or speed ropes
  • Exercise ball
  • Medicine ball
  • Dumbbells and kettlebells

Build a knockout boxing training program 

An effective boxing workout should be around 30 to 40 minutes as a beginner and around 60 minutes when you hit advanced levels. Three sessions per week are ideal for beginners. Add one or two more if you’re reasonable fit. But remember the golden rule don’t target the same muscles on two consecutive days. 

Never ever neglect the warm up 

You should always start with a six-minute warm-up program. This can be running (particularly up stairs), a minute of skipping, stretching exercises or jumping on an ergometer. Shadow boxing works too. Your warm-up is more about preventing injury than increasing exercise output. In fact, some pros will tell you the warm-up is more important than the workout.  

Endurance training

This is where we start to mix up our workout. Theres real variety which helps keep you focused

10 minutes skipping (as effective as a 30 minute run)

10 minutes of punching bag drills

20-30 minutes full body and core training

Advanced trainers can skip or work the punching bag for up to 20 minutes

Then 30 minutes of full body and core training

Professionals can extend the training program to up to 90 minutes

Skipping and punching bag training

The more you skip, the more agile you become. Most people start out simply by jumping and landing on both feet at the same time. As you get better, alternate between landing with slightly more weight on the left foot, then right. Then you mix it up by landing a few jumps on your left, then a few jumps on your right. You’ll get faster, more nimble and then find even more tricks and techniques that make skipping fun and one of the best workout there is. 

For your punching bag training you’ll need good quality boxing gloves. Just as importantly, a good technique is critical to avoid injury. That’s why we recommend visiting a gym or boxing class to learn the basics from an expert. 

Boxing and MMA training for beginners

Endurance training drills:

Skip: 8 x 1 min with 30 second break (both legs or alternating)

Punching bag: 3 x 3 min with a 60 second break

Then do these whole-body exercises:

1: Alternating chest presses on a weight bench or the floor

Targets the chest, shoulder and rear upper arm muscles

Lie on your back or a weight bench and put your feet firmly on the floor. You can also lie down on the floor and bend your legs. Holding dumbbells in both hands, stretch your arms shoulder-width apart vertically upwards, thumbs facing each other. Then alternately lower the right and left arm until the upper arms are horizontal, then stretch the respective arm again. When you are lying on the floor, your upper arms should not touch the floor.

3 x 20 repetitions (ten on each side) with a 60 second break

2: One-armed row bent forward

Targets the back muscles, the back shoulder and front
upper arm muscles as well as the core muscles

Holding a dumbbell in your right hand, stand shoulder-width apart, bend your legs and then bring your upper body straight forward. Support yourself with your free hand on your thigh. From this position, pull the dumbbell upwards and move your elbow along the ribs while keeping your upper body very still. Then lower it again without extending your arm completely. Then switch to your left hand.

3 x 20 repetitions on each side for 60 seconds

3: Squats with dumbbells

Targets the thigh and glutes as well as the calf and shoulder muscles

With a dumbbell in each hand, stand hip to shoulder width apart and bring the dumbbells at shoulder height. From this position go into the squat. Hold briefly and then press up until your standing on your toes. Hold briefly and squat again.

3 x 15 repetitions with a 60 second break

4: Pelvic lift with weight plate or kettlebell

Targets the glutes, trunk, calf and thigh muscles

Lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet on the floor. With a dumbbell, weight plate or kettlebell on your stomach and feet pressing into the floor, lift your lower body up from keeping your thigh and back in line. Hold briefly and lower again without touching the ground again.

3 x 15 repetitions with a 60 second break

5: Russian twist with medicine ball

Targets the front and side abdominal muscles as well as the
core muscles and almost the entire core

Sit down with your legs slightly bent and your heels pressed into the ground. The grab a medicine ball or weight and bring your arms forward, almost straight. Then lie back slightly with your back as straight as possible as you guide the medicine ball or weight plate to one side, until the it touches the floor next to your hip, and then to the other side.

3 x 30 seconds with a 30 second break

6: Lateral torso bend with dumbbell or kettlebell

Targets the lateral ab muscles and the core muscles

Stand shoulder width apart with a dumbbell in your right hand. Tensing the abs and glutes, lean your upper body to the right without moving your hips. Then come back to the starting position and go beyond it.

3 x 15 repetitions with each side and 60 seconds rest

Advanced boxing and MMA training for 

If youve been exercising for at least several months, this program is designed for you. Remember, never neglect the warm up because this workout seriously challenges your muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Endurance training drill

Skipping: 12 x 1 min with a 30 second active break. 

Punching bag: 5 x 3 min with 60 seconds active break (tripping)

Then you can do these:

1: Alternate chest presses on the exercise ball

Targets the chest, shoulder and rear upper arm muscles as well as the entire core due to the instability of the ball

Lying on your back on an exercise ball, place your feet firmly on the floor. Holding dumbbells in both hands, stretch your arms shoulder-width apart, vertically upwards, with your thumbs facing each other. Then alternately lower the right and left arm until the upper arms are horizontal and then stretch the respective arm again. 

3 x 20 repetitions on each side for 60 seconds

2: Bent over reverse flies with dumbbells

Targets the back of the shoulder muscles as well as the neck, torso and back muscles

Holding a dumbbell in both hands, stand a little more than shoulder width apart. Bending your knees, push your buttocks back and bend your straight upper body forward with your arms hanging down slightly bent. Then build up tension and move your arms upwards in a controlled manner, without swinging until the upper arms are in line with the shoulders. Hold briefly and then lower again. If you want to make the exercises more difficult, try standing on an unstable surface.

3 x 15 repetitions with a 60 second break

3: Lunge with rotation and medicine ball

Targets the thigh, glutes and calf muscles as well as the core muscles. Holding the medicine ball also trains the shoulder, arm and chest muscles

Standing about shoulder width apart, hold a medicine ball in front of your body with outstretched arms at chest height. Then take a lunge step forward with a straight upper body, leading the upper body sideways over the knee that has been brought forward. Return to the starting position then step into a lunge with your left leg and rotate your upper body to the left. If possible, always hold the medicine ball with your arms outstretched.

3 x 8 repetitions on each side with a 60 second break

4: Deadlift with leg extended backwards and dumbbells

Targets the hamstrings, back and glutes

Standing shoulder-width apart, hold a barbell or a dumbbell in each hand. Bending your legs slightly, guide your straight upper body forward and push your buttocks backwards. Then lead the dumbbells or barbells down your legs until they’re just below the knee. At the same time, stretch one leg backwards, hold briefly, then return to the starting position. Start over and stretch the other leg backwards. The exercise is even more difficult on an unstable surface.

3 x 16 reps with a 60 second break

5: Twist with medicine ball

Trains the entire core muscles as well as the thigh muscles

You lie on your back and hold a medicine ball. Then you tense the core muscles, lift your head, shoulders and almost straight legs off the floor. Then you lead the medicine ball upwards with almost outstretched arms, turn your upper body to the left and right side, letting the ball tap lightly. The legs should hardly move.

3 x 16 reps with a 60 second break

6: One-armed kettlebell swing

Targets the core, forearm, buttocks and rear thigh muscles

Grab a kettleball and, standing a little more than shoulder-width apart with your knees bent, swing the kettlebell back and forward up to chin height. Straighten your body at the same time then swing the kettleball through your legs again and do the squat.

3 x 16 reps with each hand and 60 seconds res


Four exercises for the super fit

If you’re in great condition here are four highly demanding exercises to really challenge you. Being an expert, you’ll have your own warm-up routine.

Endurance drill:

Skipping: 6 x 2 min with a 30 second break. 

Punching bag: 8 x 3 min with an active break of 60 seconds

1: Bent over shoulder press on exercise ball

Targets the whole body, especially the shoulder, neck and upper arm muscles

Lying with your back on an exercise ball with a dumbbell in each hand, pump out alternate reps.

3 x 8 to 12 reps with a 1-2 minute break

2: Ball transfer in supine position with exercise ball

Targets the whole body, but especially the front abs 

Lying stretched out on your back, with your arms stretched backwards holding an exercise ball. Then bring the upper body and straight legs up and pass the ball to the legs. The legs press the exercise ball together as you stretch yourself again without putting your legs and upper body down completely. Come back upstairs and pass the ball to your hands.

3 x 8 to 12 reps with a 1-2 minute break

3: Ball throw with medicine ball

Targets the whole body, especially the core, leg, buttocks and upper body muscles

Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, grab a medicine ball in both hands. Then you stretch your arms up over your head, standing upon your toes at the same time. From this position, throw the ball on the floor as you go into the knee bend. Pick up the ball again, stretch and repeat.

3 x 8 to 12 reps with a 1-2 minute break

4: Pushups plus rotation with dumbbells

Targets he entire body, especially the chest, upper arm, shoulder and trunk muscles

Get into the pushup position with both hands gripping a dumbbell. Pushup and when you reach the top, move the right dumbbell straight up and across in a semicircle. Lower and alternate moving the left dumbbell up and across in a semicircle.  

3 x 8 to 12 reps with a 1-2 minute break

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